IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
8–11 January 2023 // Las Vegas, NV // USA

Call for Demonstrations

Important Dates

Demonstrations Proposals Due: 16 October 2022 (Firm Deadline)
Demonstrations Acceptance Notification: 31 October 2022
Final Camera-ready Artwork: 23 November 2022


Call for Demonstrations

We invite researchers and developers from academic, industrial, and government laboratories to present their novel ideas and demonstrations of original research prototypes. CCNC especially welcomes demonstrations of emerging and innovative technologies that have potential commercial applications from nascent and incubating companies. In addition, authors who have a demonstration component in their work and are planning to submit their papers to the main technical tracks or workshops are highly encouraged to also submit proposals to the demonstration session.


Proposal Format

Demonstration proposals should be not more than two (2) pages in length, in double-column IEEE format, including authors’ names and affiliations and a short abstract.  All Demonstration papers should be submitted via EDAS. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, along with the regular main track, workshop, and work-in-progress papers. Each proposal should describe the workings and the main contributions of the demonstration and the merits of the proposed idea. Of course, many variations are possible. A technology prototype can range from a mockup using computers (instead of actual consumer devices) to a full-fledged collection of networked consumer devices. Be as specific as possible in describing what you will show.



Accepted demonstrations will be presented at the conference during a special demonstration session. The presenter is responsible for the demonstration and equipment setup. Each demonstration should be accompanied by a poster of approximately 30 inches by 40 inches describing it. The presenter is expected to present and discuss the work with other conference attendees. A large table, a power socket, and Wi-Fi Internet connectivity will be available for every demonstrator.
Please feel free to consult the Demonstrations Co-Chairs if you need additional information.


Demonstration Co-Chairs

Frank den Hartog, University of New South Wales
Canberra Ravikumar Balakrishnan, Intel Labs, Hillsboro
