IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
8–11 January 2023 // Las Vegas, NV // USA


Author and Submission Guidelines

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the IEEE CCNC 2023 Conference Proceedings and for presentation in the symposia. All papers for the technical tracks should be submitted via EDAS.

All final submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring additional page charges (maximum 3 additional pages with over length page charge of US$100 if accepted). Papers exceeding 9 pages will not be accepted by EDAS.

Download standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process, and all submissions must be done through EDAS.

If you have any questions regarding the submission of manuscripts, please contact one of the Technical Program Chairs.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE CCNC 2023 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore® as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.


Presentation Instruction

Papers are allocated 20 minutes each for presentations and questions. Please properly set in EDAS the name of the author who will present the work. The presenter is kindly asked to bring to the Session Chair a short bio so that she/he can properly introduce him/her.

No PC will be available at the conference, so please, bring your portable computer with a VGA adaptor if required, or at least bring a copy of your presentation in a USB pen.

IMPORTANT: To be published in the IEEE CCNC 2023 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions.


Submission of Camera-Ready Paper Guidelines

Camera-Ready Version Submission Deadline: November 23, 2022, 23:59:00 PDT (Extended)


  1. Registration


    To be published in the IEEE CCNC 2023 conference proceedings and IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full (non-student rate, member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC chair grants permission for a substitute presenter arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present and answer questions.

    Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper.

    For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 3 papers. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE CCNC 2023 Conference Proceedings and in IEEE Xplore®.

    Keep in mind that in the final version, six (6) pages are allowed for free with three (3) additional pages allowed with a charge of US$100. Papers exceeding 9 pages will not be accepted at EDAS. Download the standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX formats.


  2. Upload Final Paper


    All final paper submissions must be uploaded through EDAS.

    PLEASE NOTE: Paper requirements before submittal:

    • All camera-ready submissions MUST be checked for IEEE eXplore compliance before submission.
    • To check whether your PDF file is IEEE Xplore-compatible, please use the PDF eXpress service.
    • You can also use PDF eXpress to convert your source file(s) to IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF.
    • CCNC 2023 will NOT accept camera-ready papers that are not IEEE Xplore-compatible.


      You may find IEEE PDF eXpress helpful in the preparation of your manuscript to ensure fonts are embedded, etc. First-time users should do the following:

      1. Select the New Users
      2. Enter the following:
        • 51644X for the Conference ID
        • your email address
        • a password


      An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup. Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.


    If you are trying to upload your paper via EDAS, please be sure to include your registration confirmation number and add to the beginning if your confirmation number 23CCN (Sample: 23CCNQLNF47LVZ8L).


  3. Copyright


    Authors have to complete the copyright process through the "copyright" column in their My Papers table or the individual paper page in EDAS. This must be completed for your paper to be included in the conference.



Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications Society will take action against any author who engages in either practice. Follow these links to learn more:

IEEE Policy on Plagiarism
IEEE Policy on Double Submission

IMPORTANT: To be published in the IEEE CCNC 2023 Conference Proceedings and to be eligible for publication in IEEE Xplore®, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the FULL or LIMITED (member or non-member) rate and the paper must be presented online by an author of that paper at the conference unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter in advance of the event and who is qualified to both present and answer questions. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one FULL or LIMITED registration is valid for up to 3 papers.

The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

During the initial paper submission process via EDAS, it is the authors' responsibility to ensure that the author list and the paper title of the submitted pdf file is an exact match to the author list and paper title on the EDAS registration page. In particular, the EDAS registration page must include all co-authors, not just the submitting author. Failure to comply with this rule might result in your paper being withdrawn from the review process. Please be aware that the author list of an accepted paper CANNOT be changed in the final manuscript.

To ensure appropriate consideration of conflicts of interest during the review process, ComSoc prohibits changes to the list of authors once a paper has been submitted for review during review, revision, or (if accepted) final publication. The author list may be changed only prior to the submission deadline.
